Our dreams and desires are always BIG! These are things we have to work hard for to get, not something we easily achieve. The only problem is when we finally realize how big our dreams are, we get discouraged and question our capabilities.
Who am I? Why do i dare dream this big? Or when given a task that seem beyond what we believe we can do, we ask: Why me?
Where do our hearts desires come from? It sometimes is frustrating when we don't get to be what we dreamt of becoming. As children we have the biggest dreams. We want to become doctors, a president, lawyers, superheroes, astronaut, a popular actor or actress. Then, we grew up. We realize that it's never going to be as easy as we thought it would be when we were younger. The world does not welcome our dreams as we imagined; it even seems to shatter any possibility of even getting close to it. Our deep desires are keys to unleashing our true potential, our purpose. It is from God. And so the enemy will do anything and everything to keep us from getting there. We will be offered alternatives; detours. We will be discouraged when faced with challenges. We will lose heart. It would be enough for the enemy of our hearts if we settled to mediocrity. It doesn't matter to him if we still have that dream, as long as we are disheartened enough not to continue our pursuit.
2 Chronicles 20:15b
This is what the Lord says to you, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's"The title came from one of the more popular men in the Scriptures. Moses. We know of Prince of Egypt and the Ten Commandments, right? This part was when God called Moses to lead the Israelites out from slavery. This was his response:
Exodus 4:11
Moses protested to God, "Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?"
Who is he? He was once Egypt's prince! He cared for his people, the Israelites. I wonder what might've happened if Moses did not kill the Egyptian slave and used his authority instead. He was next in line! The next Pharaoh. There must be a reason why he's in that position. We have Esther and Joseph, who have been placed in a high positions as well, and used their authority wisely. Still, God has a great plan in which Moses would have a big role to play.
The part I love most in this part of Moses story, was God's response:
The part I love most in this part of Moses story, was God's response:
Exodus 3:12
God answered, "I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain."Okay, what's that got to do with my question? Moses might have asked. God always points us to Himself. Moses will not be the "Star" in the story. It was never meant to make Moses look good. It's for God's glory. It may be one of the reason why Moses did not become the Pharaoh. A person with authority and control over the situation of God's people would not need God. The glory due to the Lord might be given to Moses if that were the case. Ordinary people are the ones tasked to perform extraordinary tasks, so people would know that there is a greater Power making such miracles possible.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."The next time you feel inadequate or incapable to live your dreams and be obedient to what God has commanded, do not question yourself, your capabilities, talents and knowledge. God wants to be glorified through you. Submit all your cares to Him and He will supply you with all the necessary tools to succeed in life and be able to reach your big dreams.